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Makerspace Lab
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We started off in one room schoolhouses with slates and chalk.  Most of us remember desks in rows, paper and pencil, and maybe the introduction of calculators into the classroom.  As we entered the 21st century here at Saint Joseph School, we were excited to take on the next challenge of preparing our students for an ever-evolving technology sector.

Now, thanks to a $100,000 Beyond Sunday Grant from the Roman Catholic Foundation, Saint Joseph School has a state-of-the-art Makerspace lab! With the additional support from our Home & School association and other donors, we have equipped the lab with laptops, a 3D printer, a green screen, and new furniture. We are currently working in collaboration with the Clavius Project and several Region 6 schools to make the resources available to all of our students. In doing so, we hope to foster a stronger sense of community with our fellow Region 6 schools.
SJS students in K-3 have computer class each week and work on skills ranging from computer literacy and touch typing to STREAM-based lessons such as coding and use of the green screen.
For our students in grades 4-8, computer class is held twice a week, allowing more opportunities to perfect basic computer skills while also delving more deeply into computer science topics including coding, animation, robotics, 3D modeling/printing, and web design.

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Clavius Project Robotics
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Under the guidance of Mrs. Johnston, Mr. Almond and Mr. Ruzicka, our Clavius Project Robotics Team began in 2017. The students in grades 7-8 work in teams of 2 to problem solve and complete programming challenges. Students showcase their hard work at Jamboree, which is held in January. Jamboree is with schools around the Archdiocese and is held at SLUH. We are excited to team-up with other Region 6 schools and are thankful for the continued partnership and support of the Clavius Project at SLUH and in particular to Mr. Jeff Pitts!
Mrs. Johnston with student