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Home & School Association

The St. Joseph Home & School OrganizationHome & School Board provides a formal setting to support the parents, teachers, students, and staff of Saint Joseph School. This organization educates and informs parents and our local community about St. Joseph Church and School and facilitates and encourages strong partnerships and involvement.
Every year Home & School takes an active role in putting the proceeds from the various activities and fundraisers back into the school, whether adding improvements to the school facility, bringing educational and enjoyable programs to the students, providing technology to students, or through supporting the teachers and staff.

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The Board of the Home & School Association may be reached at 

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Some ways that Home & School is involved:

  • Scholarships
  • Blessing of the Backpacks Night
  • Trunk or Treat
  • Daddy/Daughter Dance
  • Mother/Son Dodgeball
  • Sponsoring Catholic Schools' Week Activities
  • Teachers' Luncheon
  • Contributing to Teacher start-up fees
  • Field Trip fee
  • Technology upgrades
  • ... and so much more